

Write By: admin Published In: Steroidi profili Created Date: 2017-09-20 Hits: 1288 Comment: 0

Halotestin è unosteroideanabolizzanteestremamentepotente e androgenicoche è statorilasciato per la prima voltanel 1950 da Upjohn con ilnomecommerciale Fluoxymesterone. Pocodopo, Ciba Pharmaceuticals rilasceràl'ormone sotto ilnomeUltandren, ma Halotestin è rimastoilmarchiopiùriconoscibile. Pharmacia, già Upjohn, produce oggiilmarchio comprare Halotestin.

 Quando Halotestin prima colpìilmercato, è statoproiettato come aziendanumerosibeneficiterapeutici. Questosteroideanabolizzanteestremamentepotente è statoprescritto per iltrattamentodellaperdita del muscolo, la carenza di androgeninegliuomini, la riparazione del tessutomagro, la malnutrizione, e per la curadellefratturedell'osso. Saràancheusatoregolarmente per trattarel'esposizioneprolungata a cortisone, paraplegia, cancro al seno e spessosomministrata a bruciare le vittime. A differenza di moltisteroidianabolizzanti, Halotestin è statoregolarmenteprescrittoagliuomini e alledonne, e mentreilsuousoquotidianomoderno è un po 'limitato è ancorausato per trattareilcancro al seno in alcunedonne. L'ormone è ancorausato per trattare le carenze di androgeni in alcuniuomini, ma è raro e approvato per iltrattamentodell'osteoporosi in alcunedonne in postmenopausa.

Nelmondo del miglioramentodelleprestazioni, Halotestin ha la reputazione di essereunodeglisteroidipiùpotenti e veloci del mercato. Tuttavia, non è unochemoltiutenti di steroidiutilizzeranno. Questosteroide non costruiràmoltamassanonostanteunamassicciavalutazioneanabolica; Infatti, veramente non farà molto per la promozione di massa. Questo è unosteroideche è generalmenteconosciuto come unosteroidedellaforzagrezzo, ma Halotestin è anchetrovato in alcunicicli di taglio. Non è tropporaro per alcuni bodybuilder di integrarsi con Halotestinnelleultimesettimane prima di un concorso. Puòprodurrealcunieffetti di condizionamentopiacevoli, oltrecheveramenteaiuto per spingere la fine di unadietabrutale. Tuttavia, glieffetticollaterali di questosteroide non sonomateriascherzosa, possonoessereabbastanzaduri e chemanterranno la maggior parte dellepersone.

I vantaggi di Halotestin

The benefits of Halotestin are rather straightforward, and there really aren’t too many. In some ways, the benefits of Halo can be compared to Stanozolol (Winstrol) in-regards to strength and hardening of a physique; however, in this case, Halo will simply be far more powerful on a strength basis. This makes this the perfect steroid for strength athletes; power lifter, competitive weight lifters, fighters and any other athlete where enhanced strength is a benefit. For this purpose, it won’t take much; normally a 20mg to 40mg dosing per day for two to four weeks leading up to the competition is all you’ll need; further, these doses and duration of use should not be surpassed due to the strong hepatotoxic nature. Further, by its nature Halo will increase aggression levels, and it can do so extensively; this can be very useful for the athlete as an increased level of aggression will mean more power.

Then we have the competitive bodybuilder, and it is here where we can see this steroid once again used right before a competition. In this case, an increase in strength is not what we’re looking for; at this stage in a contest diet the individual is going to be fairly weak, but through the aggression increasing nature of this steroid it will help him push through the final dieting stages. Many are aware that bodybuilding contest prep is perhaps one of the most brutal endeavors on earth, and when it comes to those final weeks this brutality can be enhanced tenfold. Further, through such use, the individual will benefit from the hardening effects of this steroid, and as it can help burn body-fat it can be useful for helping to remove those areas that are barely hanging on for dear life. At any rate, for this purpose of use, most bodybuilders can hold to the same two to four week time frame mentioned above, but two weeks is normally all that is needed at a 20mg per day dosing; 40mg per day can be used, but it should not be surpassed, and in many cases, such a dosing is unnecessary.

The Side-Effects of Halotestin

There are a few side-effects of Halotestin use that are of a worthy note; the primary will revolve around the liver and is largely the one that is of the greatest concern. We’ll go over the liver aspect shortly, but first let’s cover the basic possible side-effects of Halotestin and see what we can find. As a testosterone derived anabolic steroid, the side-effects that would seem the most prominent would be those of an estrogenic nature; however, this is a steroid that does not aromatize at all due to an 11-beta group being attached, making gynecomastia and excess water retention impossible. As mentioned, despite its testosterone nature, Halo shares a stronger relationship with many DHT based steroids, and as is the case, the possible side-effects will share such a nature; the possible side-effects of Halotestin include:

Acne: in most cases, this will only be a problem for those who are extremely sensitive to acne to begin with, and in some cases, if such sensitivity exist you may not be able to use this steroid without extreme breakouts; especially on the back and shoulders. For this reason, it is imperative you give extra effort to keeping your skin clean and dry at all times; if this means an extra shower or two then so be it. Further, if you can’t shower until you get home, say right after training always change into a dry, clean shirt; in-fact, regardless of the activity you should always change into a dry clean shirt anytime you become sweaty, and shower as soon as possible. 

Hair-Loss: if you are predisposed to male-pattern baldness, Halotestin may cause you to lose some of your hair; you were already going to lose it, but this steroid may speed it up. For those that are not predisposed to male-pattern baldness, this is not an effect you’ll need to concern yourself with; in-fact, it’s one that would be impossible. In any case, if you are predisposed and concerned with hanging onto every last strand of hair for as long as you can, this is probably not the best steroid for you.

Halotestin Administration

For the purpose of performance enhancement, comprare Halotestin doses can range from 10-40mg per day. 10mg per day will produce noticeable results, but most will find 20mg per day to 

be a more beneficial dose that is controllable with proper use by a healthy adult male. If such a dose is tolerated well and more is wanted later on, 40mg per day can be attempted. However, such a dose will greatly enhance the probability of negative effects and may be overkill for some men. Regardless of the dose, 2-4 weeks of use is all that can be recommended. Further, regardless of the dose, like most oral anabolic steroids Halo should be taken on an empty stomach. Taking it with food may decrease its bioavailability.


Halotestin puòancheesseresomministrato per trattareiproblemi di androgeni e vienenormalmentesomministrato ad una dose di 20 mg al giorno. Questa dose vienenormalmenteregolata in discesadopoche la terapiainiziale a breve termine è passata. La dose totaleresterànormalmentenella gamma di 5-20mg per giorno in base alleesigenzeindividuali. Tale usopuòessere a lungotermine a lungotermine; Tuttavia, saràattuato un occhio molto forte e costantesulla salute cardiovascolare e sulfegato. Tale trattamento è un po 'raronell'eramoderna, ma puòessere utile per alcuniuomini.